NZQA rating of NZTC


About NZQA’s External Evaluation and Review

NZQA is the New Zealand government organisation that ensures tertiary education organisations comply with statutory policies and criteria, this includes engaging in an independent periodic external evaluation and review (EER).

Each EER provides an independent judgement of the reviewed organisation’s educational performance and capability in self-assessment. NZQA judges educational performance by how educational outcomes represent quality and value for learners and the wider community.

Summary of NZTC’s EER results

As a Category One provider, NZQA is “Highly Confident” in NZTC’s educational performance and “Highly Confident” in NZTC’s capability in self-assessment.

  • NZTC continues to deliver quality early childhood teacher education and health and wellbeing programmes that enable positive outcomes for learners and relevant stakeholders in sectors with critical shortages of qualified staff. A comprehensive self-assessment framework serves to guide and support leadership decisions that benefit students and staff.
  • Student achievement rates are high across all focus areas. Outcomes are also highly positive. Ongoing and annual review by management continues to consolidate areas for improvement and build on existing strong performance.
  • Governance and management oversight supports student achievement. Decision-making by highly experienced, future-focused leadership has ensured that educational performance continues to be strong.
  • There is significant expertise held within both internal and external stakeholder groups that contributes to the knowledge base of NZTC.
  • Sector input to programme delivery, design and review is authentic and ongoing and ensures currency of the qualifications.
  • Academic and pastoral support is proactive; interventions are timely and contribute to course completions.
  • Well-qualified staff are highly valued by the organisation. Research capability and professional development are actively encouraged.

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